ドワイト・クラーク氏。アメリカに拠点を置く非営利団体LAB(Learning Across Borders)の代表理事として、日本の学生などに20年近くに渡って東南アジアへの研修プログラムを提供している。「同じ目線で物事を見てくれるから親しみを感じるし、深い話をすることもできる」と、クラーク氏の研修に参加した朝熊悠二さん(商3)は彼の人柄を語る。
「気がつくとアジアの文化や人々、そこの出来事の虜になっていたんだ」。東南アジアでのボランティア事業はVIA(Volunteers in Asia)という組織の活動へ発展。クラーク氏は長きに渡りVIAの代表を務めることとなる。VIAは外国人学生を対象としたスタンフォード大での研修も手掛けるようになり、クラーク氏は日本の大学関係者とも交流を深めていく。
There is something about him that attracts young people. His vitality, passion and, above all, smile may fascinate the youth. Dwight Clark, a representative of a non-profit educational organization called LAB (Learning Across Borders), has been offering Asian students programs in southeast Asia for about 20 years. “He thinks in the same way as young people do, so he is popular among us and that makes us casually talk to him even about serious issues,” said Yuji Asakuma, a junior at Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University, and the participant of his program.
Mr. Clark’s work in Southeast Asia began in the 1960’s. At that time, he was the dean of freshman men at Stanford University. In 1963, he first visited Southeast Asia in order to lead students to the volunteer programs in Hong Kong. “I found myself fascinated by the cultures, people and issues of Asia,” he said. The volunteer program expanded as the official work of an organization called VIA (Volunteers in Asia), for which Clark served as the leader for long years. VIA came to deal with not only study programs in Southeast Asia, but also programs in Stanford for foreign students from Asia, and Clark succeeded to make good relationships with some Japanese universities such as Keio and Waseda.
After he retired from VIA, Clark founded another organization, ‘LAB’. Unlike VIA, LAB mainly offers students in Japan and Taiwan programs in Southeast Asia. He intends to make Asian students interact and enlighten each other. At present, LAB offers two programs called ‘Southeast Asia Program’ and ‘Myanmar/Burma Program.’ In both programs, about 20 participants visit many places and organizations such as local universities, NGOs and UNICEF for two or three weeks. These programs are also good opportunities for many Asian students to improve their English skills. Though some bloody incidents have occurred in Thailand and Burma in recent years, Clark makes every effort to assure the safety of his programs. He also said that he always prepares A ‘Plan B’ for such situations and is not hesitant to cancel a program for safety reasons.
In the Southeast Asia Program, participants visit three countries of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Junko Hirose, a junior at Faculty of Economics, Keio University, joined the program in this spring and said, “I really got motivated by the local people, students and the other members of the program.” On the other hand, the participants of Myanmar/Burma Program travel to a place under the military dictatorial government. “During the two weeks of the program, I had been thinking about the nation through the people I met and the things I saw. It was an unforgettable experience for me,” Takafumi Yamada, a junior at Faculty of Arts and Science, Tokyo University, recalls the program.
Last March, The alumni association of the both programs called ‘Dwight Family’ was organized and over 100 people joined its kick-off meeting in Tokyo.”While class-based study is important, an impact which was given by the real experience in the local countries is extraordinary strong,” Shugo Yanaka, one of administrative members of the association and a graduate of Keio University, said. According to him, the association will expand its activity being aware of its role as an organization which carries out the ideals of LAB.
“I hope people will understand what’s really happening in Southeast Asia,” Clark explained the purpose of the program. His idea steadily passes across borders and sways a lot of people.